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    TELEDYNE Model 3000TA過(guò)程微量氧分析儀(特利丹)

  • 更新時(shí)間:2023-10-23      瀏覽次數:500
    • The Model 3000TA makes the task of trace oxygen analysis easier, faster and more precise than ever before. Simple menu choices, membrane command switches and a large LED display make setup and operation clear and quick.(3000TA型使痕量氧分析任務(wù)比以往任何時(shí)候都更容易、更快和更精確。簡(jiǎn)單的菜單選擇,膜命令開(kāi)關(guān)和大型LED顯示屏使設置和操作清晰快捷。)

      Air Calibration(空氣校準):

      The high-accuracy and fast response of this model is only surpassed by its ability to calibrate without the assistance of support gases. The Micro-fuel Cell produces and output that is linear and enables the use of ambient air for calibration. The model also accommodates the use of a certified ppm O2 span or zero gas which speeds calibration when necessary and confirms the system is leak free.(該型號的高精度和快速響應是超越它的校準能力,沒(méi)有輔助氣體的協(xié)助。微型燃料電池的生產(chǎn)和輸出是線(xiàn)性的,并能夠使用環(huán)境空氣進(jìn)行校準。該型號還適用于使用經(jīng)過(guò)認證的ppm O2跨度或零氣體,在必要時(shí)加速校準,并確認系統無(wú)泄漏。)

      User-Configurable Ranges(用戶(hù)可配置的范圍):

      Three user-configurable ranges are come standard with this model. When changing ranges, you are provided with excellent linearity of analysis precluding recalibration. Two programmable concentration alarms will provide the versatility to satisfy nearly any requirement.(三個(gè)用戶(hù)可配置的范圍是標準與此模型。當改變量程時(shí),您可以獲得線(xiàn)性分析,避免重新校準。兩個(gè)可編程濃度報警器將提供通用性,以滿(mǎn)足幾乎任何要求。)

      Custom Engineering(客戶(hù)定制):

      The 3000TA can be ordered as a standard unit or as part of a larger analytical system. The options for this model are as follows.(3000TA可以作為一個(gè)標準單元或作為一個(gè)更大的分析系統的一部分訂購。此模型的選項如下。)

      C:Auto cal/zero with integrally mounted control valves(自動(dòng)調零與整體安裝的控制閥)V:Vacuum service(真空服務(wù))K:19"rack mount with either one or two control units(19“機架安裝與一個(gè)或兩個(gè)控制單元)S:Stainless steel cell block(不銹鋼電池塊)

      In addition, special sensors, custom engineered analyzers and complete monitoring systems can be suppled to satisfy unique applications.(此外,特殊的傳感器,定制設計的分析儀和完整的監測系統可以滿(mǎn)足應用。)


      The model uses a specifically qualified fast recovery InstaTrace Micro-fuel Cell to measure trace levels of O2 in the sample gas. This sensor sets industry standards for accuracy, sensitivity and ease of use. The InstaTrace is a sealed electrochemical device with no electrolyte to charge or electrodes to clean, making it maintenance-free.(該模型使用了InstaTrace微型燃料電池(InstaTrace Micro-fuel Cell)來(lái)測量樣品氣體中痕量的O2。該傳感器為精度、靈敏度和易用性設定了行業(yè)標準。InstaTrace是一種密封的電化學(xué)設備,不需要充電電解液,也不需要清潔電極,因此無(wú)需維護。)

      Convenient Outputs輸出便利:

      The standard 0-1 VDC and isolated 4-20 mADC outputs are provided for oxygen measurements and range identification. For 2 way communication, an RS-232C serial interface is incorporated to converse with a host computer for remote monitoring and control of zero and span calibration.(標準0-1 VDC和隔離4-20 mADC輸出提供氧氣測量和范圍識別。采用RS-232C串行接口與上位機進(jìn)行雙向通信,實(shí)現對零點(diǎn)和量程校準的遠程監控。)

      FEATURES特征:1、Fast recovery Insta Trace Micro-fuel Cell sensor(快速恢復Insta Trace微燃料電池傳感器)2、Three user-selectable ranges plus cal range (0-25%)(三個(gè)用戶(hù)可選范圍加上cal范圍(0-25%))3、Programmable Auto Ranging(可編程自動(dòng)測距)4、Range ID contacts (qty. 4); Form A normally open contacts, 3A resistive(范圍ID數量。4);形成A常開(kāi)觸點(diǎn),3A電阻)5、Two fully adjustable concentration alarm points with programmable relay function; Form C contacts, 3A resistive(兩個(gè)全可調濃度報警點(diǎn),具有可編程繼電器功能;C型觸點(diǎn),電阻3A)6、Programmable auto/zero; Form A normally open contact relay signals(可編程自動(dòng)/零;形成A常開(kāi)接點(diǎn)繼電器信號)7、Remotely initiated cal/zero via customer supplied 24 VDC signal(遠程啟動(dòng)cal/ 0通過(guò)客戶(hù)提供的24 VDC信號)8、Self diagnostics with Form C contacts, 3A resistive(自診斷C型觸點(diǎn),3A電阻)9、Full duplex RS-232 communication link(全雙工RS-232通信鏈路)10、Five digit oxygen concentration LED display(五位數氧氣濃度LED顯示)11、Back-lit 2 x 20 line alphanumeric liquid crystal display for setup and diagnostics(背光2 x 20行字母數字液晶顯示器的設置和診斷)12、Sample flow indicator(樣品流量指示器)13、Universal power supply:85-230 VAC 50-60 Hz(通用電源:85-230 VAC 50- 60hz)14、Signal output單相輸出:0-1 VDC & 4-20mADC

      SPECIFICATIONS(描述):Range范圍:3 range customer selectable (minimum 0-10 ppm FS) plus 0-25% cal rangeAccuracy精確度:± 1% of FS at a constant temperatureSensitivity靈敏度:0.5% of FSResponse Time響應時(shí)間:90% of FS at 77°F (25°C)< 10 seconds for 1000 ppm or higher ranges< 60 seconds for 0-10 ppm rangeOperating Temperature工作溫度:32° to 122°F (0° to 50°C)Signal Output單相輸出:0-1 VDC and 4-20 mADC (isolated)Analysis Display分析顯示:5 digit red LED, 3/5" high numeralsData Lines數據線(xiàn):i-directional RS-232C serial interfacePower電源:Universal AC input ranges 85 to 230 VAC, 50/60 HzMax:20VAOxygen Sensor氧氣傳感器:Fast recovery InstaTraceClass A-2C, B-2C or L-2C can also be utilized in place of the InstaTrace(specifically at time of order)

      Dimensions尺寸:Case盒子: 8.70"W x 6.96"H x 12.2"D(22.1 x 17.68 x 30.99 cm)Panel控制板: 10.79"W x 7.46"H(27.41 x 18.95)

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